Teaching Individuals to Refine Their Personal and Professional Goals

Author Archives: Donna Wray

What Footprints Have You Left in the Sand?

OnYourMark300Whether or not you are going to commit to turn your ideas into actions this year, I want to share some tips to help you reflect on your footprints along the way in five steps:

1. Start by reflecting on what you did last year what you did well and what you enjoyed. Even though you might have found some aspects challenging, ultimately it is likely that you found it to be an overall positive experience. Remember, sometimes the most difficult things we have to do brings out our strengths.

Download and use my complimentary gift to you, Anchoring Your Aspirations and Achievements, to keep a record your footprints, and celebrate your achievements. When we are caught up in the moment, we don’t always look at what we do well, but can sometimes find it easier to focus on what we do wrong. Celebrating positive things will give you a greater sense of achievement and motivation to overcome what didn’t go as well as we expect. Don’t let mistakes hold you back – instead learn from them. Stay positive and gain the ‘can do’ attitude, but not in one big leap – just one step at a time. Once you gain confidence the momentum will follow, and then you can move forward in leaps and bounds!

2. After reflecting on last year, I suggest now is the time to start thinking about the things you want to work on and achieve this year. Keep it simple – it could be something you have been putting off for a long while, or a new idea that you thought of very recently. Most importantly it should be reachable for you to achieve over a period of time. Don’t make your expectations too high – remember small steps forward will keep a realistic view on reaching your end goal.

3. Once you have laid the foundations for your ideas, it’s time to track your progress by using the Anchoring Your Aspirations and Achievements free download to record some further substance to YOUR commitments. Start by asking yourself:

  • How will I achieve this? What steps do I need to take to reach my goal, what hurdles do I expect to meet, and how will I overcome them to get to the finish line?
  • How will I know when I have achieved each step? When I reach my end goal, what is the reward?
  • How long do I anticipate it will take to reach my goal? What deadline should I set?
  • Who will I ask for help, support and guidance?

4. Then think about the support and guidance you need to grow and learn. How committed are you to finally making your aspirations a reality? Sometimes we put off or delay what we really want to do for a variety of reasons. For instance, it could be that you have been working for the same company for a number of years and feel your current role is no longer giving you the career satisfaction you enjoy; to start a family of your own; to support a family member; or maybe you didn’t feel ready. Whatever your reasons for not pursuing that support maybe now is the time to consider working with someone like a coach who can offer unbiased support to help you move forward. Take advantage of my complimentary Coaching Clarity call to find out how we might be able to work together. Click here to get started.

5. Then after achieving some or all of the things you wanted to do, it’s time to celebrate all your hard work, and reap the benefits. Then share your success and new-found confidence (and possibly wealth) with friends, family and colleagues!

Challenging Yourself!!

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it”.  ~Scott Peck As another year comes to an end, did you use your time wisely? Will you be starting the New Year with any personal regrets? Make this New Year different by challenging those… Continue Reading

Never Give Up!!

During your career lifetime sometimes you will feel highly motivated on other occasions you will feel like giving up, this could be triggered by various factors such as; length of time it takes, lack of self-confidence, and support from others you get the general idea. Effective change takes time to mature, break them down into… Continue Reading

7 Tips for First Time People Manager!!

 1.  Discuss and agree your new responsibilities for your role Find out what is going to change about your role now that you are a manager. You  are now responsible for your team members, your success as a manager will depend on the contribution of your team members. 2. Transition Contact your HR representative and get… Continue Reading

Building Your Network!!

Networking is more than just meeting for a drink, it is a great way to share ideas, expand your knowledge, make business connections, give and receive support, collaborate with others and build new friendships. You might feel a bit uncomfortable at first however, try not to get discouraged though instead try to be clear about what you do… Continue Reading

Impact We Have On Others

Ever wondered about the presence and impact you have on others? During our lives we have to work among different types of people from various background. I believe because we interact with people from all walks of life it’s not just about what we do it is also about our personal presence on others. The… Continue Reading

Leading With Inclusion

Teams or groups will consist of people from different background, personalities, values and beliefs. There will also be some members who contribute more than others or who will be more active than others. So to ensure youhave an effective team the leader need to find the way for each individual to contribute and feel part… Continue Reading

Getting to the Finishing Line!!

I hope you felt inspired last week and took the time to create a goal plan, to help you track your key priorities for this year. So assuming you have your plan populated with all your key goals, you are ready to start working toward the deadlines you assigned each goal, so here are some… Continue Reading

Setting your Goals and Objectives

  This week I wanted to share with you how to set your goals for the things you would like to achieve for this year.   Firstly you need to identify and write down the things you want to achieve. When doing this try not to make it complicate keep it S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic… Continue Reading

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